
Peer-reviewed Publications (Journal and Conference Papers)
1 G. Feltham and A. Ekmekci
"Vorticity amplification near the stagnation point of landing gear wheels"
Phys. Fluids 26 045106 (2014). [Online Access]
2 G. Feltham and A. Ekmekci
"Flow Topology around a Simplified Two-Wheel Landing Gear"
Journal of Visualization
DOI 10.1007/s12650-014-0202-9 (2014). [Online Access]
3 P. McCarthy, G. Feltham and A. Ekmekci
Boundary Layer Tripping for a Simplified Landing Gear Model"
AIAA SciTech 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting (January 2014).
[Online Access]
4 G.Feltham and A. Ekmekci
"Flow Topology around a Simplified Two-Wheel Landing Gear Model"
CASI 60th Aeronautics Conference and AGM (April 2013). [PDF]
Degree and Project Publications
1 G. Feltham
"Investigation of the Flow topology around a simplified two-wheel landing
gear with emphasis on the stagnation point"
MASc. thesis (University of Toronto 2013). [Online Access]
2 G. Feltham
"Study and Simulation of Three-Dimensional Flows at High Supersonic Speeds
for UTIAS 3-D Euler Code Validation with Specific Emphasis on Compression
Lift Applications for Supersonic Transport Aircraft"
Undergraduate thesis (Univeristy of Toronto 2010). [PDF]
Personal Publications
1 Toyota MR2 (AW11) 1986-1989 Aerodynamic Analysis.
Part 1: Streamwise Analysis [PDF]